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Termite Control Service
Columbus, Ohio

Termite Extermination Solutions That Work for You

At Stryker Pest Control, we understand the stress to homeowners and damage to structures that termites can cause in Columbus, Ohio. Our comprehensive termite extermination solutions are designed to eliminate current infestations and prevent future occurrences, ensuring your home remains safe and termite-free. We are committed to providing top-notch service and effective results for all our customers. 

By contacting Stryker right away, you can take advantage of a cost-effective and time-efficient solution to your termite problem. This will protect your Columbus OH home and family and give you peace of mind. 

Types of Termites That Could Be in Your Home

Various types of termites could infest your home, including subterranean termites, drywood termites, and dampwood termites. Each type has its unique characteristics and behaviors, so it's important to identify the specific type of termite to treat the infestation effectively. 

  • Eastern Subterranean Termites are the most common type found in homes and can cause significant damage. They often create mud tubes to travel from their underground colonies to above-ground sources of food, such as wood in your home.
  • Drywood Termites don't require contact with soil and instead infest dry wood structures, making them harder to detect. They can also spread more quickly than other types of termites. 
  • Dampwood Termites are less common and often found in areas with high moisture levels. They can cause damage to wood that has been damp for an extended period, such as from a leaky pipe or roof. 

Understanding the type of termite infestation in your home is crucial in developing an effective treatment plan. Our team at Stryker Pest Control has the expertise and knowledge to identify and handle all types of termite infestations. 

Signs of a Termite Infestation

It's essential to be aware of the signs of a termite infestation so you can take immediate action and prevent further damage to your home. Here are some common indicators that termites may be present: 

  • Mud tubes As mentioned, subterranean termites create mud tubes to travel from their colonies to food sources. These small tunnels can often be found on the exterior of your home. 
  • Swarmers – Termites often send out winged reproductive termites, known as “swarmers”, to establish new colonies. If you see these flying insects swarming around your home, it could be a sign of an infestation. 
  • Wood damage - Termites feed on wood from the inside out, making it challenging to detect damage until it becomes severe. Look for hollowed-out or damaged wood, small holes, and sawdust-like droppings called frass. 

If you notice any of these signs, it's crucial to contact a professional pest control company like Stryker Pest Control for a thorough inspection and treatment plan. These wood-destroying insects can cause significant damage if left untreated, so it's important to act as soon as possible. 

Dangers of Termite Infestation

Termites are tiny insects that can cause major damage to your home or business. These pests primarily feed on wood but have also been known to eat through insulation, books, and even swimming pool liners. If left untreated, termites can cause thousands of dollars in structural damage. 

One of the biggest dangers of termite infestation is that it often goes undetected for long periods. Termites can enter your property through small cracks and crevices, making it difficult to spot an infestation until significant damage has already been done. There’s also the potential for damage to occur to ceilings and walls as a result of termites. This is troubling for a home’s residents and may also affect your home's resale value. 

Our Termite Extermination Services

Various types of termites could infest your home, including subterranean termites, drywood termites, and dampwood termites. Each type has its unique characteristics and behaviors, so it's important to identify the specific type of termite to treat the infestation effectively. 

Full Termite Control Services

We offer a range of termite control services to protect your home from these destructive pests. Our experienced technicians will thoroughly inspect your property to identify the type and extent of the infestation. From there, we will develop a customized treatment plan that includes eradication and prevention methods. 

Termite Inspection Services 

Our pest control services include termite inspections for residential and commercial properties. Regular inspections can help catch termite infestations early on, saving you time and money in the long run. 

Termite extermination services

If termites have already entered your home, our team at Stryker has the knowledge and equipment to eliminate them effectively. Our termite service includes using safe and environmentally friendly methods to get rid of these pests without harming your family, pets, or property. We also offer preventative measures to ensure they don't return. 

Our Process 

Step 1 - Inspection 

Our first step is always a thorough inspection of your property to identify any signs of termite damage or infestation. This includes checking for mud tubes, wood damage, and other indicators. 

Step 2 - Treatment 

After evaluating your property, our team will develop a customized treatment plan to eliminate the termites. This may include using liquid treatments, baits, or other methods depending on the type of termite infestation. 

Step 3 - Prevention 

Once the termites have been eradicated, we take preventive measures to ensure they don't return. This may include sealing up entry points and implementing regular inspections to catch any potential re-infestations early. 

Other Services

Aside from termite control, we also offer a range of other pest control services to keep your home or business pest-free. Bed bug infestation, rodent control, and insect control are just some of the services we provide to help protect your property. 

  • Animal Control Treatment 
  • Bed Bugs Treatment 
  • Insect Control 
  • Termite Control 
  • Rodent Control 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What causes termite infestation?

    Termites are attracted to warm, humid environments and can enter your home through small cracks or openings in the foundation. They also feed on wood and other cellulose materials found in most homes.

  • Can you get rid of termites?

    Yes, our termite extermination services are designed to eliminate termites and prevent them from returning.

  • How long does a termite treatment last?

    The duration of the treatment will depend on the extent of the infestation and the type of treatment used. Our team will provide you with an estimated timeline during your initial inspection.

  • What is the best termite treatment?

    The best termite treatment will depend on the type of infestation and your specific needs. Our team will work with you to determine the most effective treatment plan for your property.

  • How much does termite treatment cost?

    The cost of termite treatment will vary depending on the size of your property and the extent of the infestation. We offer competitive pricing and free estimates, so contact us today to schedule an inspection.

Send Your Termites Packing - Request a Service Today!

Take control of your termite trouble and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a secure, sound home. Our experts are ready to assist you – every step of the way. Get back to living termite-free! 

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