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Insect Control
Columbus, OH

Protecting Your Home from Pests 

At Stryker Pest Control, we understand the unique challenges that pests present to homeowners and businesses in Columbus, Ohio. Our comprehensive pest control solutions are designed to tackle the most common pests in the area and provide long-term protection for your property. 

Pests can cause serious damage to your home, not to mention health risks to you and your family. From termites destroying the structure of your home to rodents carrying diseases, it's important to address pest infestations quickly and effectively. That's where Stryker Pest Control comes in. 

Our Expertise in Insect Control 

Pests can be more than just a nuisance; they can pose serious health risks and cause damage to your property. Below, you will find descriptions of common insects that regularly find their way into and around your home. We've provided some details on determining the insect plaguing you. 





Pill Bugs 


Clover Mites 

Cock roaches 

Carpet beetles 


Water Bugs 



Ants are one of the most common pests in Central Ohio and can become quite a nuisance if left untreated. These tiny creatures can enter your home through cracks and crevices, looking for food and water sources. Here are the different types of ants that you may encounter in your home: 

Carpenter Ants 

Carpenter ants are commonly found in wood structures and can cause significant damage if not dealt with promptly. They create tunnels and galleries within the wood, weakening its structure. Signs of a carpenter's ant infestation include sawdust-like material near wooden structures, rustling sounds in walls or ceilings, and small holes on the surface of the wood. 

Pavement Ants 

Pavement ants are small, dark brown ants that can infest your home through cracks and crevices in your foundation. They are attracted to sugary foods and often enter kitchens and pantries to search for a meal. They are most active during the summer months when they forage for food. 

Field Ants 

Field ants are common outdoor ants that can become a problem when their colonies grow too large. They are typically found in gardens, lawns, and fields, building mounds in the soil. These ants can also enter homes through cracks in the foundation or gaps around windows and doors. 

If you notice a trail of ants in your home or see them clustered around food sources, it's time to call in the experts. Our professional pest control services can identify the type of ant infesting your property and provide effective treatment to eliminate them for good. 


Wasps are common pests that can cause harm to both humans and pets. They have a painful sting and can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Yellowjackets, hornets, and paper wasps are the most common types of wasps found in Columbus, Ohio. These pests can build their nests in trees, under eaves, and even inside your home. 

At Stryker Pest Control, we specialize in wasp removal and prevention. Our team of experts can safely eliminate wasp nests and implement measures to keep them from returning. Don't risk getting stung by trying to handle a wasp problem on your own; trust our pest control treatment to get the job done safely and effectively. 


The house centipede is a common pest found in homes and buildings in Columbus, Ohio. These fast-moving creatures have long, flattened bodies with multiple pairs of legs. While they are not usually harmful to humans, their presence can be unsettling. 

House centipedes are often found in damp areas such as basements, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. They feed on insects and spiders, making them beneficial in controlling other pests. However, if their numbers become too high, they can become a nuisance and require professional pest control treatment. 

Local pest control companies like Stryker have the expertise and knowledge to effectively identify and eliminate centipede infestations. 


Cockroaches are a common pest that invade homes and businesses in Columbus, Ohio. These nocturnal creatures can be found in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas where food and moisture are present. Not only are they unpleasant to see, but cockroaches also carry diseases and can trigger allergies and asthma. d even inside your home. 

Some signs of a cockroach infestation include droppings, a musty odor, and shed skin. If you suspect a cockroach problem in your home, it's important to act fast and contact the best pest control company Stryker Pest Control. 

Our team has the expertise and equipment to effectively eliminate cockroaches and prevent them from returning. We use safe and effective treatments that target the source of the infestation, ensuring complete eradication of these unwanted pests. 

Bed Bugs 

The house centipede is a common pest found in homes and buildings in Columbus, Ohio. These fast-moving creatures have long, flattened bodies with multiple pairs of legs. While they are not usually harmful to humans, their presence can be unsettling. 

If you have noticed bite marks on your skin or small blood stains on your sheets, you most likely have a bed bug infestation. These pests are difficult to spot as they hide in cracks and crevices during the day and only come out at night to feed. Our team at Stryker has the expertise and advanced techniques to identify and eliminate bed bugs efficiently. 

Quality Pest Control in Columbus 

At Stryker Pest Control, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch pest control services to residents in Columbus, Ohio. Our team of skilled professionals is equipped with the latest tools and technologies to tackle any pest problem, big or small. We understand the importance of a pest-free environment for your comfort and health, which is why we offer comprehensive inspections, targeted treatments, and thorough prevention strategies. 

Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has made us a trusted name in pest control in Columbus. Whether you're dealing with ants, wasps, centipedes, cockroaches, bed bugs, or any other pests, you can count on Stryker Pest Control to deliver effective solutions and peace of mind. 

Why Choose Stryker Pest Control? 

  • Local Expertise:

As a Columbus-based company, we have a deep understanding of the local pest pressures and how to effectively manage them. 

  • Customized Solutions:

We tailor our pest control services to meet the specific needs of your property, ensuring the best outcomes. 

  • Eco-Friendly Options:

We offer environmentally responsible pest control solutions that are safe for your family and pets. 

  • Professional Team:

Our technicians are trained, experienced, and dedicated to providing exceptional service. 

Request a Service Today!   

Don't let pest problems take over your home or business. Contact Stryker today to schedule a service and say goodbye to unwanted pests for good. Our team is ready to help you achieve a pest-free environment! 

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